The Town of Vienna provides its employees with enrollment in two different types of flexible spending accounts: a medical spending account and a dependent care assistance program. Both programs are administered through Ameriflex.
Medical spending account
During each pay period, employees can make equal pre-tax, tax-exempt contributions to an account used to pay out-of-pocket medical expenses incurred by the employee or immediate family members during the calendar year. The maximum annual contribution cannot exceed $2,550.
Participants receive a debit card for use at the time of service or can submit claim forms for reimbursement. The plan year runs from January 1 through December 31, and covers those expenses incurred during that timeframe only. Employees may roll up to $500 of any unused health flexible spending account funds over at the end of the plan year.
Dependent care assistance program
Employees can make equal pre-tax contributions per pay period to an account used to pay for dependent care expenses incurred for dependents under the age of 13 or a disabled family member during the calendar year. The maximum contribution cannot exceed $5,000 per calendar year. Contributions to the dependent care assistance program are in lieu of employees taking a dependent childcare credit on their income tax return. Proof of expenses for services rendered must be submitted and received by the account administrator within 90 days after the end of the calendar year, or the employee forfeits the balance of the account.